Sunday Morning Worship Service Archive 2020
October 25 - The Reason For Reformation - 1Timothy 6:10 - Corinthians 9:7
October 18 - He Must Increase Joy, Contentment, Humility, Pride, Spirituality - John 3:22-30
October 4 - Born Again, from Above - John 3:16
September 27 - Yom Kippur - Leviticus 23:23-26
September 20 - Feast of Trumpets - Trumpets of Warning Joshua 6:1-21
September 13 - Jesus in the Old Testament - Jeremiah 23:1-6
September 6 - Celebrating Sabbath/Labor Day - Luke 6:6-11
August 30 - The Sabbath Principal in Practice - Luke 6:1-5
August 23 - Joy and The Deeper Spiritual Life - Luke 5:33-39
August 9 - The Conversion of Levi - Luke 5:27-32
August 2 - Forgiving the Paralytic - Luke 5:17-26
July 26 - Cleansing the Leper - Luke 5:12-16
June 21 - Father's Day
June 14 - Unfair Disadvantages
June 7 - Trinity Sunday
May 31 - PENTECOST - Signs of the Spirit - Acts 2:1-42
May 24 - Seventh Sunday of Easter - Raising New Leaders
May 17 - Sixth Sunday of Easter - Christ's Ascension
May 10 - Fifth Sunday of Easter - "Mother's Day"
May 7 - NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER First Presbyterian Church
May 3 - Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 26 - Baptism of Bria Grace Neuroh
April 26 - Third Sunday of Easter
April 19 - Belief in Jesus - John 20
April 12 - Easter Sunday Service