
The ministry of deacons as set forth in Scripture is one of the compassion, witness, and service, sharing the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, the burdened by unjust policies and structures or anyone in distress. Persons of spiritual character, honest, repute, exemplary lives, brother and sisterly love, sincere compassion, and sound judgment should be chosen for this ministry. - from the Book of Order

2023 Deacons
Top Row: Jay Audino, Karmin Dando, & Carl Bromley
Middle Row: Bo Stroia Ambile, Gina Cole, & Peggy Gibbons
Bottom Row: Judi Naugle, Maura Fornataro, & Sandy Flowers
Missing from photo: Marilyn Nebel, Lee Abraham, & Jane Hoover

Jobs and Ministries

Keep track of an ever-changing list of those who are in need of attention.  Some categories are shut-ins, those who are ill, those who are grieving, those who are struggling financially, and those who are in need of transportation.

Serve funeral dinners when requested.

Serve dinners to 1-2-1 (formerly Big Brothers Big Sisters) when they meet at Highland.

Transport all donations for The City Rescue Mission to its intended destination.

Offer financial assistance to members who need help with rent, food, clothing, and other necessary expenses.

Provide gifts to the women of the church on Mother's Day and to the men of the church on Father's Day.

Coordinate the purchase of Easter Flowers and Christmas poinsettias.

Provide oversight of the Friends of the Family Ministry.

Coordinate the setting up of our Christmas Angel Tree and delivering all the gifts.

Highland Board of Deacons

Class of 2023

Jay Audino (Chair)

Karmin Dando

Peggy Gibbons

Gina Williams

Class of 2024

Bo Stroia Amabile

Sandy Flowers

Maura Fornataro

Marilyn Nebel

Class of 2025

Lee Abraham

Carl Bromley

Jane Hoover

Judy Naugle