Highland Presbyterian News and Activities

Latest Updates:

January 26:  Please remember our shut-in members and other members who need our prayers for healing: Maura Fornataro, Fran Heasley, Bill Heasley,  Bernadette Schaffner, Dan Simpson, John Crawford, Tom Evans, David Kennaday, Jeff Pitzer, Bob and Judi Naugle, Lorri Stroia, Chuck Dando, and Todd Alexander.


January 20:  6:00 p.m. Exodus 90  Starts runs until Easter.  Mens Study Group lead by Pastor Rich

Febrauary 2:  10:00 a.m. Worship Service

Sunday School Every Sunday from 9:15 - 9:50 starting September 15, 2024.

Christianna Kinney teaches  a class for Preschool thru 2nd Grade in Nursery Room. 

Danielle Pacchioni and Maggie Stroia teach a class for 3rd - 6th grade.

Bryan Lewis teaches a class for Junior/Senior High School

Pastor Rich teaches the Adult Class

*Short Lessons for Preschoolers will be offered during the Worship Service 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.  in the   Nursery Room.

Our Worship Service begins at 10 a.m.

Caseys K Creations 2024 Children

A collage of six images featuring various people engaging in ceramics and painting activities. The first photo shows the entrance to a studio with a sign reading "CERAMICS & PAINTING CLASSES". The remaining photos depict individuals, children, and adults at tables focusing on painting and molding ceramic pieces. The atmosphere seems lively and creative.

2024 SonRise VBS

2024 Skating Party


We have many events, activities, and ways for you to be informed and connected with us here at Highland Presbyterian Church. Here we present a list of our most frequent ways to be informed and to connect with us.

Each item is also covered in more detail on each linked page. If you have any questions about any event or activity, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Highland Happenings - a collection of news, events, and activities.

Events Calendar

Small Groups - We encourage everyone to be a part of a small group for personal growth and encouragement.

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